3Flex Physisorption Only
3Flex Chemisorption
Chiller Dewar Liquid Recirculation System
Analysis Range 1.3 x 10 -9 to 1.0 P/P 0
1 x 10 -6 to 900 torr
Micromeritics’ Chiller Dewar is a closed loop recirculating system that utilizes a high surface area copper coil to provide excellent heat transfer between the dewar and the recirculating liquids. Temperature control is provided through an external recirculating bath or chiller bath which are supplied as accessory items.
up to 3, one port dual purpose chemisorption and physisorption
Available Micropore Ports up to 3
Dosing and Evacuation Control Proprietary Servo
Proprietary Servo 4 stage diaphragm Standard 2 or 3 ports
Roughing Pump 4 stage diaphragm
Krypton Analysis Standard 1 port, optional up to 3 ports
Temperature Range
-50 °C to 200 °C
Analysis Gas Per Sample Ability to use up to 3 gases concurrently, one probe gas on each port Minimum Measurable Surface Area Standard 0.01 m 2 /g
Temperature Stability
±0.01 °C
ISO Controller Sub-Ambient, Thermoelectric Cooled Dewar
0.01 m 2 /g
Krypton 0.0005 m 2 /g
0.0005 m 2 /g
Micromeritics’ ISO Controller utilizes thermoelectric cooling based on the Peltier principle. The unit is designed to maintain a constant temperature between -5 °C and 80 °C when using CO 2 , N 2 , and other gases for adsorption analysis. The device rapidly cools and efficiently maintains temperature with minimal electrical current required.
Instrument Control and Features
Temperature Control 45 °C, ±0.05 °C with 3 strategically placed RTDs 45 °C, ±0.05 °C with 3 strategically placed RTDs Adsorptive Gas Inlets 6 12 standard; optional up to 16 Vapor Sorption Option Standard ports 1 and 2, optional heated Standard ports 1 and 2, optional heated
Programmable- 0.1–50 °C/minute 50 °C/min to 600 °C 20 °C/min from 600 to 800 °C 10 °C/min from 800 to 1100 °C
The dewar section is placed on the instrument dewar elevator and then raised into position for analysis.
Furnace (chemisorption model only)
Mass Flow Controller (chemisorption model only) TCD w/cold trap (chemisorption model only)
Temperature Range
-5 °C to 80 °C (lab temp <27 °C)
Standard, flow up to 200 cm 3 /m, ±1% of set point
Cooling Capacity
Approx. 80W at 0 °C, 120W at 25 °C
Optional two levels of available performance
Minimum Controllable Resolution
0.1 °C
Heated port for connection of external detectors including an available Cirrus ™ Quadrapole Mass Spec 3 in situ, 6 additional with SmartVac Prep
Standard External Dedicated Port N/A
Temperature Stability
±0.1 °C
Degas 3 in situ, 6 additional with SmartVac Prep
A/D data acquisition 29 bit (effective 25)
29 bit (effective 25)
Cryostat I Single-Stage Cryogenic Refrigerator Based on the Gifford-McMahon Principle
Pressure Transducer System up to 12
up to 12
1000 torr 0.12% reading 10 torr 0.12% reading 0.1 torr 0.15% reading
1000 torr 0.12% reading 10 torr 0.12% reading 0.1 torr 0.15% reading
Transducer Accuracy
The Micromeritics Cryostat I is a closed-cycle cryocooler based on the Gifford-McMahon (GM) refrigeration principle. It uses helium gas from a helium compressor to generate cryogenic temperatures.
Cryogen Dewar 3.2 L, greater than 70 hrs virtually unlimited with refill during analysis
3.2 L, greater than 70 hrs virtually unlimited with refill during analysis
The Cryostat I eliminates the need for liquid nitrogen and can obtain temperatures below the 77 K of liquid nitrogen.
Cryogen Free Space Control Isothermal Jacket
Isothermal Jacket
Advanced Modeling GAB, Sips, Toth, dissociative Langmuir, Redlich-Peterson Instrument Operation Dashboard Dashboard permits real-time monitoring of critical parameters Minimized Bench Space Footprint Height 112 cm 112 cm Width 57.2 cm 57.2 cm Depth 61 cm 61 cm
Temperature Range
25 to 350 K
LiquidNitrogenDewar Cryostat
Temperature Stability
±0.005 K
QuantityAdsorbed (cm 3 /gSTP) 0.0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0.1
Desorption Isotherm
Nitrogen Reservoir
closed-cycle helium
Adsorption Isotherm
Cool Down Time to Stated Minimum from Ambient
60 minutes
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
RelativePressure (p/p o )
Provided specifications were valid as taken from available documents at time of publication. These specifications may change without notice and are only provided as a general reference.
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